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If you’ve ever had questions and queries about your Sydney flower delivery, there’s a good chance you’ve had a chat with our customer service legend, Sam. She’s been an integral part of the Little Flowers team for almost 8 years, has worked with us from both Sydney and Perth, and has recently become one of our flower buyers. She’s also a mum of 3 and runs her own business, Nest Lifestyle Photography. There is seemingly nothing she can’t do! Sam specialises in capturing the delicate beauty of newborns, and the magic of candid family moments. Here’s what Sam had to say about all things flowers and Photography.
I was having a terrible few weeks at work and struggling with life as a working Mum of two and my husband sent me a little bunch to tell me everything would be ok, and it wouldn’t be like this forever. It was the sweetest thing to receive. I have ALWAYS always, loved flowers. I used to pluck my grandfathers roses right off the bush. When I saw the instagram post asking for an ‘admin guru’ in Sydney I knew I needed to run away and join a florist!
I love Little Flowers like it was my own! The people and the flowers are what makes it so good. Kind people and friendships that have lasted going on 8 years now 🙂 I’ve learned loads and can now do little arrangements on my own! There have also been loads of lovely customer stories over the years. I’ve helped people write messages for their crush, I’ve chatted to lovely ladies sending bunches to their book club. There have been weddings, proposals and more “will you be my bridesmaid” flowers than I can remember.
I’m a family & newborn lifestyle photographer. That means that I gently guide families while taking pictures. No posing, just prompting them to interact with each other.
My dad gave me a camera when I was around 13 I think, it was a point and shoot film number and I loved it. I loved the prints, the colours and I photographed everything that summer. He gave me his big SLR the next year for Christmas. I loved that too. The best part was he showed me how to use it, he taught me everything he knew about taking photos, and I loved that too. I did photography at high school too, and loved the darkroom.
I started with zero knowledge really…. all the things Dad taught me, whilst transferrable, were “film” so, there’s things that digital SLRs and now Mirrorless cameras can do, that the film camera just couldn’t. I knew nothing about actually running my own business, or motivating myself to do so. So I’ve had to learn all the things!
Over there years I’ve done lots of little courses on lots of different topics, and spent a small fortune on camera equipment…and props… and there’s always something else I want… or need. Looking for a Canon and or Kip&Co sponsorship please!
I love the continuous growth. Just when I think I’ve done something amazing, I’ll take a new picture and love that even more. It’s a really wonderful evolution.
As much time as I can. I’d love to be shooting more, but I’ll need to pace myself until the little guy is at school full time 🙂
Shooting Tina Arena in concert in Perth (as a guest of Canon). Shooting the red carpet in Sydney – Rebel Wilson, Baz Lurhman, Deborah Mailman to name a few; at the Opera House for the AACTAs last year. And shooting my husband cutting the cord at the birth of my youngest child, it’s pretty wild to think I was able to do that, given what the rest of my body was doing.
I love everything about taking the photos and loathe everything that is needed to support that in terms of a business! Dads who want their kids to look at the camera are also a challenge! The best photos of kids come when they’re doing what they love. Showing me sticks, and doing cartwheels and telling secrets! We always, always shoot a shot ‘for Grandma’ a traditional one though, where there’s everyone looking but after that I’m all about the (controlled) chaos.
I love meeting new people, and families. I love to snuggle newborns and talking to new Mums. It’s like seeing their babies bring back all the memories of my own. I really love practicing on my family too. I love to look back on photos, the memories that come right back from capturing that 1/1000th of a second can put you right back there. Having images of loved ones is like having the keys to the most beautiful palace in all the world. You never know when the last time you’ll see someone is. So no one photo will ever be enough.
Shooting families all day every day and not having to do any business bits would be the dream!
A studio with a steady stream of babies and their families and beautiful natural light would be my dream come true!
Do it. Only take on jobs that are your niche, if you love people stick with people; if things are your bag stick with things. Pick up your camera every day and take photos, real growth happens when you practice.
Yes, I almost always use them in my shoots – often with newborns there will be flowers sent by family and friends of the new baby, so I like to try to include them in the images. Outdoors, I’ll shoot through plants and flowers, have little people smell them. I LOVE to take macro (very close) pictures of flowers too.
I love the colours, the scents, the growers, our florists. It’s just a world of love.
It changes weekly! Coral peonies, peonies, roses, gardenias, jasmine, lilacs, dahlias, magnolias, lily of the valley, lavender… Basically everything except gerberas and lilies…
I received my first bunch in 2014 – a few months before I started working for Little Flowers. It was a don’t worry it’ll be ok bunch. Since then I’ve sent LOADS of flowers. I send them to clients with a little notice that their photo galleries are ready. I’ve delivered flowers to friends in hotel quarantine. I send them to the parents who have had my girls for sleepovers, I’ve even organised a flower delivery to the school canteen ladies for feeding my eldest when she forgot her lunch. And I often send flowers to Sydney friends for birthdays, and their kid’s birthdays!
Today, to one of my best friends in Sydney who’s having a really crappy time at work. Today’s little bunch would really cheer her up. Oh and to another friend who’s just sprained both wrists, and both ankles! She’s having a terrible season of life right now!
You can check out my instagram here: and my website is:
Know someone who’s also having a terrible day and needs cheering up? Organise a Sydney flower delivery in just a few clicks: